Monday, January 18, 2010

nesting. cleaning. nesting.

Something is up and I am not sure what it is. Typically I am not the go-go wife that has all of the laundry done the second it hits the hamper. I do it once or twice a week and Jesse and I give the house a good cleaning once a week or so. Now, every once in a while I will have the gumption to do it all every other day and make sure it is spick and span for a few days. Obviously.....this passes after about day three. Im on week one of this obsession to nest and clean. I have made a new wreath, new centerpieces, started making our bed every single morning, caught up all of our laundry to the point we have run out of hangers, painted a "chalkboard" wall in our kitchen, cleaned baseboards, went to the dry cleaners....etc etc. I am not complaining however, what has gotten into me? I am not pregnant. (I usually check and double check and rule out this option every single month). Why I still worry about that I don't know. I sure hope this gumption stays for a while. I like being able to have people over anytime and not worry about the house being messy. Not that people are knocking down our door to come over but it is a nice thought. :)

My coffee table centerpieces.

Saw this moss ball centerpiece at IO Metro on SALE for $100...I made it for $25. :)

January wreath. I'm feeling woodsy these days.

Our chalkboard wall. Please excuse the shrimp & grits/pralines comment.

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