There are a few facts that I am going to disclose. I figured that the start of a new year merited a few confessions and resolutions! First, I am a blog stalker. I love looking at peoples blogs...mainly because it is fun to get lost in someone else's life for a while and also because I love pictures...other people's pictures. Okay, now that I am a certified self-confessed stalker we can move on.
Now, I am inspired to keep up with my blog. If other people can do it amid a busy schedule then so can I. I vow to keep up with this blog over this year and hopefully someone will read it to make it worthwhile!
Last year was literally a whirlwind....I am sure that most of you feel the same. Isn't that always how it is though? I have noticed that Jesse and I don't experience major life changes in even strides like most people seem to. It all happens at once in quite a short period of time....for instance-2008: Engagement, Graduate from college, Travel overseas for a month, Move twice, Start a new job, Get Married. All from April-November 2008. Now for 2009: Decide to start our own business, Jesse quits his job, We actually start our own business, Decide to buy a house, Actually buy a house, Move again, I go part time at my job to work on our business from home, We pass our first year of marriage. Whew! 2010: ??? Well since were only 8 days into 2010 I don't have a list of crazy changes to name off yet.
I am happy and settled and rather hopeful for this year's happenings.